Использование R с Power BI (вебинар, анг)

Использование R с Power BI (вебинар, анг)

In this week’s Power BI Webinar Ginger Grant will show how easy it is to use R Script with Power BI

Power BI is a great tool for providing in-depth analysis of your data. In this webinar we are going to add R to Power BI to provide not only some R visualizations which are not available in Power BI, but also to analyze the data using statistical methods. We will take a look at what answers Power BI can glean from the data and those which remain unknowable. This webinar will show you how to take your Power BI reports to the next level using analysis you can use in your next project.

Using the recently released 2018 Data Professionals Salary Survey gathered by Brent Ozar, we will use R to explore how to determine what combinations of answers are found in the top 25% of the salary respondents so that you will know what criteria that group has in common. We will examine the data to review steps needed to ensure that the answers provided are statistically significant and examine the data to find the data features most likely to result in a higher salary. Learn what greater insight Power BI can provide and how you can include that in your next Power BI project.

When: Jan 11th 2018 10am PST

Where: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d8bjjJvQcp4

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